choose: If you see the other as a problem, no matter what you do, the situation
becomes worse and worse but if you see them as a partner, they become your
The shows, artistic actions, workshops and trainings of our theatre all aim
to discuss problematic situations of life and social issues that affect us all
together with our peers, understanding their viewpoints and find our own
answers while cooperating with each other. Our Gypsy and non-Gypsy artists are
disadvantaged youngsters; professional artists and facilitators who took part
in a complex training and are able to create situations to any target group: unforgettable
experiences and positive encounters in which the participants become active
At Independent Theatre, it does not matter where you came from, what
matters is what you think about the world and what you do for it. Here, Roma
and non-Roma youngsters study and work together to become successful artists
and trainers. We are not afraid to show the social problems of the world we
live in. At the same time, we do not forget about humor either as life wouldn’t
be worth living without it. People-centered education, professional art,
constructive feedback and playfulness are equally important for us.
Top row, from left to right: Vanda Szilágyi (co-trainer), Dávid Zélity (co-trainer) Edina Dömök (actress, trainer), Vivien Balogh (trainer), Zsanett Rontó (co-trainer) ,Vivien Balogh (trainer).
Bottom line, from left to right Márton Illés (program director), Dorottya Mátravölgyi (project assistant), Tamás Szegedi
(actor, director, drama instructor, trainer), Rodrigó
Balogh (art director)
by Alina Vincze
We work for
We work for
- disadvantaged, Roma and non-Roma youngsters to become successful artists and trainers;
- different groups to understand and accept each other and to create value together;
- proving that education, culture and social integration are not only money pits, they can produce profit, too;
- culture to reach and activate those who are always left out;
- the future generations to find valuable and original works about today's society.
We want to prove that Roma integration can be promoted by socially active
and financially sustainable social enterprises that produce valuable artistic
products and train active professionals of diverse backgrounds. In order to
fulfil our mission, we work on novel, people-centered artistic initiatives that
react to social issues and involve disadvantaged people.
Our aims
- Create works of art that react to societal challenges;
- Educate and support disadvantaged youngsters in order to become successful professionals and active citizens;
- Initiate cultural, educational and economic integration.
SocialMarie special award - Feather Picking project
SocialMarie special award - Feather Picking project
4th International Gypsy Film Festival - Soós Mária-award
Feather Picking
SocialMarie special award - Garbage Dreams project
SocialMarie special award - Garbage Dreams project
Arcus Film
Festival – Special award: Amazing Beasts
Junior Prima
award – Hungarian education category: Rodrigó Balogh
UNHCR – Menedék-prize:
Mirad, A Boy From Bosnia